Traditions at LifestyleDMC: Secret Santa

Tomorrow, the 25th of July, will be only 5 months left until Christmas 2020: so that’s why we thought of having a “remembering” of our last Christmas together.

For many people and maybe for you as well, Christmas time is all about traditions: good food, Christmas decoration, Christmas songs, … We also love this time at LifestyleDMC! Last December, we decided to respect the tradition by putting a Christmas tree as well as decoration in the office and by playing Christmas songs to work in the best atmosphere possible.

Moreover, a little Secret Santa has been organised between us: we all had an individual box in which everyone could put daily kind words and positive thoughts about each of us. During Christmas holiday, we all brought our box at home and opened it during Christmas night.

Sometimes, the best gifts are not the most expensive ones but those that come from the heart!

And you, do you do something special for Christmas in your company?

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