How does the team of LifestyleDMC cope with this confinement?

Even though the team is spread over three different countries, it does not feel like we are not connected anymore. How do we do this and what makes it successful?

Never let the creativity stop

One of the things that keeps our team together is the creative team spirit. For example, the first couple of weeks, we shared 5 reasons to smile every day. This cannot have a negative touch, this is all about joyful and happy things in life. A new initiative we recently started, is to share with each other two songs that made our day. An actual Spotify list is being created with these songs. Music is our way of capturing and expressing our feelings during tis confinement.

As a very wise man once said, “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein, we need creativity and imagination probably now even more than ever.

Be online, stay connected

It cannot be ignored we are living in a digital era. No matter what opinion we have about that, in these times we have to take advantage of the possibilities. With the team of LifestyleDMC we are online on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These regular meetings are an opportunity to be together and to share work updates. We see each other’s faces, we hear each other’s voices and we are united again. Moreover, we rotate the responsibility for every hosting the meeting. In this way all team members can use their creative skills for creating an online meeting, which could be beneficial for the future.

Apart but still together

As stated before, we are all far away from each other so we are not together. However, we still are. For most of us, this virus is one of the most unusual things that has happened to them. We are all in this together and it is important for everyone to know and realise that. Talking about how bad this affects our industry and how bad it is for the world economy is something we may have done enough already. Let’s share some positive news with each other and create this atmosphere we all benefit from.

Hang in there

Even though it may not feel like it or you cannot see it now: this will be over. There will be a moment we get up, we recover and we conquer this virus. Until then, try and keep yourself positive, invest in yourself and your relationships. Only together we can overcome this.


We are more than happy for you to hear our Spotify playlist. Let the music brighten up your day.

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