Decision making for events must go higher up the tree

I am convinced that for a good DMC or event planner to be of real value to a client, a request for more information that we often receive in now mandatory.

We are seeing a welcome increase in the sharing of information on the What´s, Why´s, Where´s and How´s of the conferences or events that we organise. It has taken a long time for us to get there but I think that our credibility and accumulated industry knowledge has played a huge part in allowing us the confidence to ask those questions that unlock the matrix that makes up the event.

It is much easier to add value to an event when we know all the background knowledge and the planned ROI´s set by the stakeholders. Does this mean more work on our part as event planners? Absolutely it does, and we find this type of work immensely rewarding because it gives both sides a deeper appreciation of their respective roles. It also helps ferment deeper professional relationships.

Questions and more Questions

Every corporate event planner will tell you stories of the client request that asks for “some wow ideas” and the deadline is tomorrow, and just for good measure, they don’t really know the profile of the group or the budget. How realistic is it to work to a brief like this? I am hard pushed to find any other industry that would jump to work on such scant information. There are a few key elements in these requests that act as blockers to the process and without this information, one would literally be embarking on a wild goose chase. We find that a carefully thought through conversation with clearly defined objectives is a perfect antidote. Our team are well trained in being able to ask the right questions to ensure the framework of the proposal sits on solid foundations.

We say No to say Yes?

This has been one of the hardest lessons to learn over the years but defining our client profile and actively marketing to them has been a powerful tool for us. It has allowed us to recognise the type of requests that we know we can add value to and those that we cannot. There are now specific requests that we are not able to work on based on the information we have. In most cases, we have asked for additional information which ultimately has been helpful to both parties. In some cases, we have simply had to say no.

Carlota Pi, CEO and Co-Founder of Holaluz one of Spain´s fastest growing companies with a turnover of over 180million euros a month has been putting their trust in us to help them organise their corporate team building activities and conferences for several years, she says, “ We value the contribution that LifestyleDMC makes to our business, they are able to confidently work with us and give us ideas because they know our business very well”.

Part of the process

The place where every good DMC or event planner aims to be is at the table when the processes are being discussed. It requires a deep understanding of the company or associations with whom they work, to be invited into this process requires a level of trust that is not afforded freely. This trust must be earned through the ethos of the agency and transmitted by the team. At LifestyleDMC we have worked tirelessly over the last 15 years to ensure that our staff and clients understand the role that events and a good DMC have in the corporate landscape. As Sherrif Karramat, President of the PCMA says we try to make the world a better place one event at a time.

LifestyleDMC are specialists in organising events with measurable ROI´s, if you are considering holding a corporate event in Spain or Portugal contact us today for a consultation. 🙂

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