Certainty & Leadership
We know that Wednesday comes after Tuesday and Tuesday comes after Monday… This is the certainty left in our lives after the past year. Aside from that, certainty in our life has become an intangible. The sand grains that we cannot keep within our fingers.
If you ask your friends, colleagues and family what they want in the future, certainty might not be the word that comes from their mouths, but I bet the chances that what they describe that they would love to see happening has certainty implicit.
We are now adapting to a world that is transpiring uncertainty from each one of its pores. When will this be truly over? Is the easing of restrictions only temporary? How is the company doing amidst this storm? Is working from home over forever? Is your department merging with another one? Is the newly unsettled old customer willing to make business with us again? If so, is the team fully prepared for the new fluid market?
Your role, as a leader, is not to know the answers to all the questions. It is neither possible nor realistic to offer certainty in everything that has gone upside down these past months. Your value to the team, to the group and to your organisation is that you are the certainty in their work life. And that you are ready to navigate the uncertainties along with them.
Your value to the team, the certainty they need to perceive and trust, means that you know you’re going to figure things out. And to do so, you need to communicate effectively, to reinforce your company values, to empower your people and learn along with them.
By acknowledging uncertainty, by being empathetic, by asking good questions and by leveraging your team you will be able to build the robust foundation of the certainty emanating from you that your treasured team and organisation need now.
When facing a storm, we need a lighthouse that illuminates a clear course to a safe harbour. Let people embrace change because they see the light of certainty you are shining for them.
If you need help in leading more confidently through these uncertain times we all live in, schedule a call with us. We will help you bring out the lighthouse you have in you.